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Hire Top JavaScript Engineers

Avvy specializes in connecting you with top-tier Nearshore JavaScript engineers. Our extensive network and rigorous vetting process ensure you get access to skilled experts who can drive your projects forward efficiently and cost-effectively.

Why JavaScript?

A dynamic programming language that enables interactive web development, both on the client-side and server-side with Node.js.

Responsibilities of JavaScript Engineers

  • Front-end Development: Build responsive and interactive user interfaces using modern frameworks like React, Vue, or Angular.
  • Back-end Development with Node.js: Develop server-side applications and APIs using Node.js and frameworks like Express.
  • Full-stack Application Development: Create end-to-end web applications, managing both client-side and server-side components.
  • Performance Optimization: Optimize web applications for speed and efficiency, improving load times and user experience.

Key Skills for JavaScript Engineers

Front-end development with React, Vue, or Angular

Back-end development with Node.js

Full-stack development

DOM manipulation

Asynchronous programming

RESTful API development

Why Choose Avvy for JavaScript Talent?

Avvy specializes in connecting businesses with top-tier JavaScript engineers. Our rigorous vetting process ensures you get access to the best talent in the field.